July 24, 2012


I realize everyone and their mother has a blog these days. Who needs another one to keep up with? I know I don't. My driving force behind starting a blog was to record the noteworthy (be them major, mundane, minor and even minute) things that happen to myself and my little family. Mostly, the stuff I didn't want to forget. I am a terrible journal-keeper. I hate my five year-old handwriting, rigamortis  from writing too much, and the smudges I get on my left hand as it drags across the paper. I'd much rather type. Maybe one day all of these nonsense stories will end up in a book of remembrance for future posterity??? Anyways...brace yourself.

I have to take some time and brag about the abundance of good things I have in my life right meow. I've been stretched thin lately, but its also helped me to see just how much my life has been filled. 

Rewind to June 30th, where Spouse and I were invited to a BBQ at the home of a friend he made on his mission. While we were eating, another family walked in the door to join the festivities. I confess my first, and awful, opinion was "What a bunch of weirdos." Yes, I sound mean, but they were a little bit different. I think the number of fanny packs, braided leather belts, and mom jeans (on men AND women alike) forced me to judge. After stuffing our faces we watched some movies until it was time for us to leave. We said our goodbyes and went to the car, which didn't start. We tried jumping it, waiting and restarting it, all to no avail. Long story short: we went round and round with the car insurance company and dealership about getting our car towed to get it fixed, and 2 hours later the tow truck arrived. Off the car went  and Spouse and I were left standing in the street, not really sure how we were going to get home that night or to work the next week. We walked inside to get out of the heat, and after hearing of our plight, Papa Weirdo made a phone call. He then came up to us and said, "I called my wife and we have an extra car that we won't need until Tuesday. Here," and handed over his car keys. Just like that. Some guy who didn't even know us AT ALL and whom I totally judged unfairly and prematurely, was beyond generous to complete strangers in need. I was  blown away. And a little too emotional. I went downstairs and called my mom. (Don't judge.) She knew about the headache we were dealing with and I called to give her an update. When I started telling her how it all ended, I couldn't help but start crying (which is something I HATE- second only to cooter waxing) as I told her about the sweet Weirdo family and the service they offered to their judgmental fellow men. I hope I can be that kind and trusting to a stranger one day. By far the coolest act of kindness I've ever been privileged to receive. 

We got the car back the following Tuesday and I am so happy we didn't have to pay for it! I am now a very big & large fan of warranties. Wednesday evening we were headed out for some 4th of July fun with some friends when we got an unexpected call informing us that my husband's father had passed away suddenly. Very suddenly. I knew we had to get back home, but how were we ever going to pay for it? All of our monthly bills were due two days later, and last-minute airline ticket prices were obscene. As fate would have it, the same friends we were supposed to join that night for fireworks, also had access to some airline buddy passes that allowed us to get two red eye flights that night to Georgia. I didn't want to send my husband back home, alone, and had it not been for the nominal fee we had to pay,  there was no way we could afford the both of us flying home. Both of our jobs were extremely understanding of our absences and told us not to worry about a thing. We got to Atlanta at the butt-crack of dawn on Thursday, where some nice friends picked us up, took us out for a much needed breakfast, and drove us to the funeral home.  As we sat there making the arrangements for the funeral, I felt....a lot. I had missed the South so much, but hated that this was our reason for coming back. I felt extremely sad for my husband and his family, who have already endured more loss and heartache than most will ever know. I felt awkward. I didn't know what to say or how to say it. I had a headache. I needed a shower. I needed a nap. Then the funeral home worker came into the room and told us the funeral costs. With no life insurance policy, the family was left to cover the costs out of pocket. The funeral home would not accept land as collateral and expected half of the total amount to be paid before publishing the obituary in the paper. Oh, and they gave us 4 hours to come up with this money. Excellent. Then a miracle happened, and that's the only word for it. While sitting at my in-law's home, going through my father-in-law's things, in walks our local church leader. He was also a family friend and was given the Herculean task of helping us figure out the funeral money issues. We were expecting to get a small loan figured out, but when he handed over the envelope filled with money, we were told it was all anonymous donations. Friends and neighbors had already brought food to the house and now many, many more were giving chunks of money to help out further.  The amount was more than what was needed to give to the funeral home. Over the next few days, thoughtful and dear ones supplied us with food during viewing hours, as well as other acts of service. The amount of love that we were recipients of those next few days was enormous. Many tears, hugs and words of comfort later, Spouse and I were back home and far away from loved ones. Needless to say, it was a pretty emotional week. 

We haven't even been married six months yet, but we've done a  lot! Spouse got home the first of January, we got engaged 2 weeks later, married 6 weeks after that, went to Europe for 3 weeks and moved across the country 2 months after getting back from our Honeymoon. Combine that with the events of the past few weeks and I'm drained! We both are! Then I stopped being so poopy about it all and saw the insane amounts of blessings we've gained. I hate to ask for help, but in these type of situations we were helpless. I am astonished at the gobs of love, genuine kindness, and sincerity that we have been on the receiving end of. I feel Spouse and I have grown closer (almost out of necessity.) I've tried to catalog my good fortune, taking inventory of what I already have in front of me, rather than comparing myself to others. Life is good. So good! There is much to be thankful for and I feel that I've been given a wealth of nothing but the best in our times of need, maybe even an abundance. 


  1. Hey Ashlee, i really enjoyed reading your blog today. It was very well written and honestly gave me the boost i needed today. And made me realize that i should be more grateful at times. I look forward to reading more. We love and miss you both very much!! Faith Casteel
    p.s.(cooter waxing?!, hahaha thats hilarious... we need to talk lol!)

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  3. Ashlee,
    I just finished reading your blog and I'm crying (even though you don't like tears that much)! Of all the people I know, there are none more deserving of some tender mercies than you. You're an amazing person with a very grateful heart. So glad things are working out.


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