Gypsy Oils

On this page I will be posting all things related to essential oils, or "Gypsy Oils" as I affectionately call them. While I am grateful for many advances in modern medicine, I feel that many people are either over-medicated, or are capable of using many natural tools available to us, but lack the resources and knowledge to do so. Health and self-sufficiency are things that I'm passionate about, so I will be sharing ideas and tips on how to use essential oils, things to make and ways that they can improve your health and that of your family. 

*(Please note: I am not a paid consultant for any specific company, but I certainly have my opinions and preferences on brand. I use Native American Nutritionals for my essential oil needs because of their quality and ethical commitments to the farmers they work with and products they sell. If you suffer from a chronic condition, consult a physician before starting an essential oil regimen.) 

Gypsy Oils - The beginning

EO Stuff to Know

All-Natural Cleaning Recipes

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