January 24, 2014


Dear Little-

In the past couple of weeks we have:

*finished our first weeks of college...after a LONG, 7 year break. 
*your dad and I celebrated 6 years of being togetha foreva
*your dad and I got to hear your perfect heartbeat TWICE
*we bought you two boxes of diapers and a super cute Mombo pillow
*started keeping our blood sugar in check to keep mommy from getting diabeetus
*survived our first cold together, thanks to lots of vitamin c, mentholated rubs, Claritin-D and doTerra
*celebrated your brother's first birthday

*watched you grow (via a phone app) to 4 inches and a weight of 2.5 ounces
*bought a belly band because my pants don't quite button up. 

Now that you're up to speed, I will begin my attempt at writing things that I want you to know about me, in the event that I don't manage to tell you these during your whole existence. In an effort to catch up, I will combine numbers 1-3 from this post.

#1- List 20 random facts about yourself:

1- I got made fun of a lot in high school. A lot. (I hope this never happens to you, but if it does, please know you will survive, you are a superior person who will go far and I love you dearly. You do not need to dumb yourself down, sleep around, or party to be "cool")
2- If I had a super power it would be either telekinesis or the ability to teleport. Both would make me immensely obese and lazy.
3- Greek food is my favorite kind of food.
4- I alphabetize my CDs, all music really, and movies. 
5- That being said, I LOVE TO ORGANIZE
6- Additionally, I feel extremely happy inside after I vacuum and see those lines in the carpet.
7- I cannot handle scary movies or haunted houses. I feel like its real life.
8- Spiders and snakes are gross and scary.
9- Growing up, I wanted nothing more than to play softball at UCLA as well as the USA Women's team and win a gold medal
10- I have always wanted a pet pig. Like a tiny one. And keep it, not eat it.
11- I want to learn how to be a beekeeper and have my own little farm one day.
12- Gardening, reading and lounging at the beach are my ideal forms of relaxation
13- I am terrified of heights, but love roller-coasters and even went skydiving.
14- If I could have anyone else's body, it would be Jessica Biel's, with Carrie Underwood's legs. 
Fo' daaaays.
Best butt in the league. I can't even be mad.

15- I really, really dislike green bell peppers and black licorice.
16- One day, I hope to write a book. 
17- I love to travel. LOVE it.
18- My favorite TV show is Jeopardy. I have an odd ability to remember crap that serves little, to no benefit. 
19-I hope to learn at least two additional languages before I die (French and Arabic).
20- I can procure a better quality burp than your father.

#2- 3 legitimate fears and how they became fears:

1- Failure. I am type-A all the way. I strive for perfection in all aspects of my life, and when I can't achieve it, I have a really hard time dealing with that. I'm not sure how it started, but I am working on being OK with NOT being perfect and accepting that failure is just fine.  (Please remind me of this if I ever put too much pressure on you, or myself, or others.)

2- Leaving behind a bad legacy. There are a lot of things that I want to teach you, but mostly I want you to know that, even though I am not perfect, I want you to learn how to be dependable, how to keep your word and follow through,  how to tell the truth, how to be open-minded and accepting of everyone, how to serve others, how to be kind and gentle, how to be smart and not take crap from people. Your name is really the only thing you have, and if it's got a bad connotation, then life will be much harder for you.

3- Heights. Like, for real.  I used to not be so afraid, but as I've gotten older, I'm convinced that every time I ascend above 7 feet, a gust of wind will blow me down to my death. However, I still ride roller-coasters, I managed to go skydiving for my 20th birthday, and I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower (I still clung onto your dad for dear life because I thought I would get blown off the top.)

#3- Describe your relationship with your spouse:

Hmmm....well, I love your dad fiercely. We met at a church young adult Halloween party and we both were seeing other people at the time. Soon after our other relationships ended, we dated for two years, and your dad made the noble decision to go on a mission.  Before he left, we had talked about getting married, but he and I both knew that making that decision would be the best thing we could do to strengthen our relationship with each other. It was really hard to be apart for that long, but we managed. Besides all that history business, he and I are very similar in a lot of ways and that can make things hard sometimes. We are both opinionated, outspoken, and particular about weird things. Its been hard at times, learning how to compromise. Thankfully, your dad is very forgiving and often patient with me as I journey towards becoming a better person, wife and friend.  We both like a lot of the same things and have many of the same goals in life. We laugh a lot together. (For example: your dad's farts are insanely hilarious to me.) Find a companion who can make you laugh everyday, and you will be just fine. We have had our share of struggles, but we do our best to make each other's happiness a priority, and this has made quite the difference in our relationship. We have endured set-backs, unexpected deaths, moving too much, infertility & health issues, money shortages...erryday...., and lots of other boring, fleeting, frivolous things. Just remember your spouse is on your side, with you.  

Keep growing, little one. Next time I hear your heartbeat, I will get to actually SEE you and know if you're a boy or girl.


1 comment:

  1. Ashlee,
    This is such a thoughtful thing you're doing. I think too often our children only see us as we are right now--not what it took to get us there. This honest perspective will go a long way in creating a solid and wonderful relationship with Little. Keep it up.

    Love and hugs,


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