October 27, 2013

25 Years In Pictures

Spouse turned 25 today, and I thought, to commemorate this milestone, I'd share 25 pictures from this dude's life. Here's a peek at the scrapbook I surprised him with, when he got home from his mission. Just so I earn extra bonus points here, Caleb thought ALL of his childhood pictures had been ruined, destroyed buy water damage or lost. Please excuse the crappy quality, I retook them with my phone and was too lazy to turn some of them right side up. Enjoy.)

Caleb and big sis, Sarah

His first hair cut

Even at a young age, he was particular about his hair.

His friend Faith, feeding him a Popsicle through the fence.

Lost their first tooth

Suckin' on a car bumper.

Awesome outfit and hair for school pics. 

Caleb's dad coached soccer for FOREVER.

Caleb was the kicker in high school...I was gracious enough to skip over the "awkward years"

Then he served a mission in Provo, UT

Then he came home, two very long years later.

We got engaged two weeks after that...

...And got married 6 weeks after that. 

We went to Europe for our Honeymoon, this was taken in Prague.

We moved to Utah, and a few months after that, we added Pongo to our family.

Happy birthday, babe. You are my favorite noodle. 

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