January 9, 2014

Dear Little

Dear Little-

We have made it out of our first trimester together! According to my "What to Expect" app, you are about the size of my fist. Keep growing, sweet baby, you've got a ways to go before we meet you.

Before I forget to tell you, here are some things that I need to share about our first three months together:

Total times puking (so far): 6

Things that have made me puke: 

*opening the spice/vitamin cabinet
*watching your furry brother, Pongo, take a crap
*imagining what your dad's fart smelled like; I didn't even actually smell said fart
*cleaning up Pongo's poop when he decided to crap in the house while I was painting
*I got out of bed too fast and just had to barf
*opening the fridge and smelling all of those smells mixed together

Things that have made me cry:
*those commercials on TV that have abused/rescued animals on it, while Sarah McLachlan sings her depressing songs in the background. Awful.
*I cried for 15 minutes (out of laughter) when I looked up how flipping the bird originated. (Read it for yourself here,  language warning*) Your dad thought I was insane, but laughed with/at me anyway.
*While watching Conan, Andy Richter said that lemurs liked to be "sealed in a pumpkin" and I about pissed my pants. Not kidding. (His Lord Voldemort impression is also hilarious.)
*talking about how cute mini horses are

Food cravings:
*Steak-in-a-sac with Provolone from Ankar's
*Bluebell Ice Cream, preferably Moo Tracks or Cookies and Cream
*Hot and Sour soup
*copious amounts of citrus (Cuties, oranges, grapefruit)
*Hungry Howie's pizza
*movie theatre popcorn
*pickles, all the time
*Cherry Coke
*gummies, mostly sour worms. All day, erryday. Which is gross....do you know what gelatin is made of?

I found this article of lovely things that I would want you to know about me. Hopefully I will complete that list BEFORE you make your appearance July 20th. Grow baby, grow!


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