August 17, 2012


When I say "emoticons" I don't mean those stupid things you put in a text message or IM chat.
      "omg! nothing 2 wear :/ big date w/ billy 2nite :)(: luv him <3"

I'm referring to a serious condition known as "Emotional Constipation" and I've recently come to grips with the fact that I have been infected for ages. Major symptoms include: sudden outbursts to strangers and acquaintances alike, periods of silence, unwillingness to answer direct questions, putting up emotional or mental walls, inability to label or articulate emotions....the list goes on. I'm not able to pinpoint the exact point where my brain turned off certain emotional areas, probably never will. Now that we have identified the illness and symptoms, what about treatment?

I'm of the opinion that actions speak louder than words, and unless you're of the Non-hearing community, words are necessary. Thanks to the dudes of Extreme for reminding us "how easy it would be to show me how you feel / More than words is all you have to do to make it real." (Watch this excellent display of 90's rock ballads at its finest. I seriously love this song.)

Obviously my love language is more of the "acts of service" or "physical touch", but Spouse seems more of a "quality time" and "words of affirmation" type. Sounds pretty opposing, how do can I reconcile these types? How can I communicate to him if I am not the best emotional sharer? This shiz can get confusing and frustrating real quick. If I can't communicate during the good times, whats going to happen when things get rough? 

Like the great  American philosopher Pamela Anderson said, "Don't get married on vacation." Thanks, Baywatch! I agree! Get to really know someone first, as  much as possible anyway. In real situations- illnesses, road trips, sporting events, church, family, etc. We were together for 4 years prior to getting married and I still learn something new everyday about him. I can't fathom how some weirdos can meet and get married within a period of 3 months and wonder why things are harder than they anticipated. (Disclaimer: I realize that there are some instances of "when you know, you know" and that's all good and well. But, for us normal folks, real life doesn't work like that.) I get that, even on the best day, we will only want to punch each other in the face once or thrice. I am a big fan of preparing vs. repairing, so how do I stop this cycle of Emotional Constipation and practice a little word vomit? "Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend "

Hark!!! The heavens have opened! Prayers have been answered! The sweetest  blog ever called "Today's  Letters" has some brilliant ideas that have made all the difference in their marriage. My favorite is the concept of a "traveling journal" filled with love notes or whatever to your significant other, and then place it in different areas for them to find and read about. Another favorite that I'll be adopting is the idea of a giving tree.

Its an area designated for "specials" intended for your beloved, be it books, candy bars, presents, cards, flowers and whatever else you'd like! (I'd love to see some Nutella, cupcakes or coupons for foot rubs and massages...Ryan Gosling???)  Seriously though, the couple in this blog is adorable!  Many high fives and shady hand shakes to these two little nuggets.

Hopefully soon I can convince the BF to write on this blog too. I like to think its about OUR life, not just my slant on things.  To me, love is about sheltering one another, protecting, motivating and encouraging the good parts. I'm not sure that these things will cure me overnight, but I'm hoping they will push me along the road to recovery.

Happy freaking Friday, little bunnies!

Anything fun in the works? Eat anything yummy or hear anything that inspired a change in you?


  1. Now that I know you have a blog, I will officially be blog-stalking you forever, ok? Ok.

  2. As soon as I started reading this I had to google "emotional constipation" to see if it wasn't just something clever you made up.

    Also, I love that you refer to your husband as your BF.


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