September 9, 2012

What I've learned this week...

Know what seemed like a good idea, but really wasn't? Moving and starting a new job in the same week. That's the first thing I've learned in the past week.

I've also learned that I'm a total freak for all things alliterative. My hypothetical children's names, descriptive phrases, made-up recipes, blog posts titles....all trend toward alliterative. Want to know my future nuggets names? Too bad, I'm afraid that if I share them, you'll steal them. Trust me, they're cute and creative, which is why you won't know them until those littles make their appearance. Don't worry, they aren't stupid. I won't follow the celebrity trend and name them after foods or superheroes.

I've learned how much I LOVE thrift stores! Seriously, it borders on insanity. I pride myself in being frugal and I feel extra proud when I score little gems like Anne Taylor LOFT pants for $5. Thanks to Pinterest I can't look at a framed, velvet painting of a Native American without thinking how it might make an interesting conversational piece. I also have lost the ability to throw away old paper towel rolls. Before putting them in the recycling I ask myself if there isn't some crafty way to cut and arrange that shiz into a wall hanging. It's pathetic.

I realize now how crazy I am about writing lists. I have lists for everything. Not just your typical grocery or packing lists, but lists of favorite words, gift wish lists, home appliances and decorating pieces to look out for, lists for trips I want to take, a "life to-do" list.  And yes, even lists of names for my future children. Thanks for your judgment.

I went to see a movie this week and I realized how much of a brat I can be in public. While seeing "Lawless" I was seated in front of a couple who brought a small child and toddler to the movie. Annoying in any normal situation, but even more so when its a movie about some back-woods, bootlegging brothers. The cherry on top was when the kid was running up and down the row behind us, crying because it was a 9 o'clock showing and probably past his bed time. The polite thing to do is to act like you don't notice this kid running around screaming, but no! Not me! The first time it happened, I turned around and looked at the parents, like "Really?!" When it happened the 4th time it was all I could do to keep from putting the kid in the trash can outside. I saved myself a lot of embarrassment by choosing to not say anything. In other instances, I've been known to quip things like, "Shut that kid up!" or, "I didn't pay $10 to listen to your kid cry!" Charming, I know.

I've learned that my new job is a lot more intense that I thought it would be. I wasn't aware of it until after my training, but I'm the only one with the position in the company. The sweet lady who was tasked with training me is who I'll be replacing. It's pretty overwhelming, but I'm excited to learn something new. Hopefully I don't screw things up too bad!

After going to Costco and IKEA in the same day, I've learned not to trust me in either place with an empty stomach. I'll eat the Swedish meatball combo and chocolate bars at IKEA then I'll take my happy butt to Costco and proceed to buy two gigantic tubs of Nutella. Needless to say, the day was a success.

Is this real life?! I want to buy this! Not the Asian lady, but the giant tub of happiness.

This week I plan on learning how successful I'll be at getting to work at 6:30 a.m. and running everyday. I'm guessing total failure.

Happy Sunday, little bunnies!

What have you learned this week??


  1. Tonight I cleaned up my desktop, so now I only have 16 post-its full of lists. Not kidding. So glad you are such a kindred spirit on this issue.

  2. that caleb is neglecting his mother


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