September 17, 2012

Ode to Debbie

Srsly, this lady is nuts. I love it.

Debbie, Deb, Debolition, Debarooni. This is the sweet lady assigned to train me in my new job. I'll also be taking her position while she gets assigned to another department. Bless her heart. 

The main reason I love this lady?? She talks in song lyrics. It's a rare weirdo who can not only understand my language of speaking lyric-ese, but to communicate back? Soul mate. And it was a Beatles song lyric, no less. 

Reason numero dos: she is like a real-life version of a Disney character. Her laugh is hilarious and cute. She is short and huggable in the best possible way. She is always happy- even upon arriving at work at 6:30 AM erryday. She is extremely thoughtful and even shares her candy corn pumpkins with me! 

Number 3: She has a massive crush on Sam Elliott. Legit, she has 7 pictures of him all around her desk. Personally, he doesn't melt my butter, but I can appreciate the manly factor that his mega-stache can elicit. And I did love "The Big Lebowski" which he happened to be in. Her reaction to Sam is oddly similar to my reaction to Ryan Gosling taking his shirt off on "Crazy Stupid Love" ...but minus the open-mouthed, heavy breathing. Or grunts of approval.  

D: she is brave enough to trust me.  Debbie and her family have endured much and was kind enough to have a heart-to-heart with me one night after work. She complimented me on "impressing" her and having an open mind about a lot of things. We both agree that you can just tell about certain people and how much honesty you can share with them; if they will judge you or not. I feel very privileged that she felt safe enough with me to share so many personal  and precious details. I hope I can continue to have an open mind and be kind to everyone.....until you piss me off or give me a reason not to trust you.

خمسة: Today, for this little gem: "You ready to bitch up?!" (Pardon her French, but it was hilarious!)  I was telling her my anxieties about taking this new position and how I feel totally inadequate. That was the response I got. I like to think of it as her version of, "Put your big girl panties on."  This lady is full of pearls such as these. 

Seis: If this isn't admiration, I don't know what is, but I lent her one of my books. Not just any book, but one of my beloved David Sedaris books. Every morning since she started reading it, we start the day talking about her latest excerpt and laugh our heads off while we munch on candy corn. Its an excellent way to start your day. 

She is great. The End.

Happy Monday, homies!

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