October 1, 2012

Down with the sickness

Not like the Disturbed song, but actual illness.

Caleb started his barking cough last Sunday and by Tuesday I was making soup and multiple trips to the store for medicine and Stephen's Gourmet Cocoa. I  didn't mind, I love that shiz. 

Cut to Thursday and I felt like poop. Friday I left work early and the weekend was filled with me actually taking meds. (I have a personal thing against too much medicine. Yes, it is a blessing and convenience of the era we occupy, but I feel like people tend to over-medicate themselves. The end.) So when I actually take a steady regimen of  Day/Nyquil I can act a fool. 

Saturday night, after a Winco and Costco run- yikes!- I found myself with a towel over my head, leaning over a pot of boiling water looking to relieve my swollen sinuses.  "Yes, they deserve to die! And I hope they burn in hell!" I said, hovered over the stove. I was mocking Samuel L. Jackson's courtroom performance in A Time to Kill, but really I was under the influence of the demon Nyquil while cursing my current health predicament. I personally thought I was hilarious, but the audience on the couch hardly noticed or gave credit to my spot-on impersonation. Apparently, in my head, when I'm sick I think I sound like a middle-aged, Southern, black man.   Or maybe it's more like DAVE CHAPPELLE?? Either way, I thought I was hilarious. 

Boyfriend also didn't appreciate my Harry Potter reference. Talking about the BYU v. Hawaii football game, I made an expected comment on my love for the Polynesian brown skin-ness.  (I have always had this odd obsession/appreciation for my Polynesian brethren and sistern. Brown skin, crazy hair, culture, music, tribal tattoos, warrior dances, ability to eat massive amounts of food and party hardy, etc. etc. I could seriously talk about this all day long, but I'll spare you. This time.) Admiring the glorious creation that is polys in football pants, I said "I need some Polyjuice Potion." I looked at him, like "Eh?! Ehh?" No response. Then I explained to him what my hilarious comment meant, but the moment had passed. Oh, how I wish a fellow HP nerd had been present to appreciate my wit. Might I also add, that comment was made sans-Nyquil. I'm just naturally hilarious and a fine prize for any man. 

I'm happy to say that the plague has left the Crook household, hopefully for the season. We shall see how valuable the flu shot proves itself to be. For now, I sound like a smoker who can't breathe out of their nose.

Its officially October! 30 days until Halloween and 35 until Election day. Educate yourselves on issues that matter to you and go freakin' vote! It's a right and privilege that we enjoy here in this awesome country of ours. If you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain. And that's as political as I'll allow myself to make public. You're welcome.

In honor of our feathered friends that are migrating and upcoming "No-shave November" (a holiday I observe year-round) here's some IRON AND WINE for your ear lobes. 

Happy Monday, dear hearts.


  1. Gah I adore you. I always swore I'd marry a nice poly manchild so that we could move to the islands and breed our own rugby team. Also, may bestow Potter jokes upon my ears all the day long.

  2. Lauren, this pleases me that we REALLY ARE such kindred spirits on so many important life choices. It's warms my bosom. Peace and blessin's on your journey to find a handsome Lamanite and breed a Rugby team. I will live vicariously through you when you succeed.

  3. Ash, I cannot get over your Polyjuice Potion joke or the fact that you probably got this ridiculous look from Caleb. Oh, how I just love you and your blog.


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