October 8, 2012

Obsession Confession

I have an addictive personality, in the way that if I like something I tend to love it. Not like the drug addicted type. 

Current obsessions include, but are not limited to, the following:

Nutella- DUH! The same calories as eating a Snickers, but not as much guilt. I put it on everything from bread to graham crackers to just eating right out of the jar. Its so delicious. And if you don't like it or haven't tried it, repent now and change your ways.

I found this bath tub in Rome....my prrrrecious. 

Baths- No, I didn't just have my 4th birthday. I have only had access to stand-up showers for the last few years, so baths are quite the recent luxury for me. Although, I prefer to shower before having a bath, that way I'm not basting in my own juices. Some days, before Spouse gets home from work, I run a hot bath, grab some Nutella, pull up the Bon Iver Pandora station and have myself a little bath time. This is also delicious to me and is highly recommended.

Alliteration- I've said it before but descriptive words and phrases that all start with the same letter gets me super psyched! Baby names? Also an excellent way to showcase my obsession. "Six sleek swans swam swiftly southward." (Thank goodness I don't have a lisp.)

An accurate depiction of my cubicle. 
List-making- TOO many Post-its litter my work desk and house, but I can't stop! Making lists of lists (probably the most common), grocery lists, to-do lists, daily and weekly work flow lists, music playlists (a personal fave), movies to see, home decor/ appliance lists, wish lists, life to-do lists, lists of favorite words....and on and on and on. I even make blog posts in the form of lists. Or maybe lists in the form on blog posts???

My new-to-me Crockpot- I lub it. On a romantic outing to Deseret Industries, Spouse found my little gem for 8 buck! Score of the week!  He is an excellent finder, that husband. (On other trips to the thrift store he's found prizes like a nice sleigh bed frame or 50 buck- which we bought- and a Surefire flashlight for fiddy cent.) I have added to my "books to look for" list, a Crockpot cookbook. I'm a little too excited about this recent addition to the Love Nest. It combines two of my favorite things: being lazy and cooking. Great success!

Weddings- my cousin recently got married this Friday to a very cute girl named Ashley (excellent name) and it stirred a dormant addiction that I've had for many years with Martha Stewart Wedding magazines. For reals, I've got every magazine since 2006, even the destination wedding editions! I love watching "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera", but not so much "Say Yes to the Dress." David Tutera is the Dalai Lama of weddings and I love love love his show. If I wasn't such a spazz I'd really like to be a wedding planner. I'm highly organized and personable, but I suck mightily in the craftiness department. Maybe I'll go with Plan B and open a flower and/or book shop. Assuming I still want to work with the public.

LOGO Network- I can't get enough of this channel!! I don't know what it is, but I have this appreciation/ borderline obsession with the LGBT community. I tend to attract a lot of gay energy, whether its the individuals themselves, friends, family, whatever, and I love love love it. They tend to be the most open-minded and accepting people out there. That being said, Halleluyer! to Spouse for being a stud and getting the LOGO channel added to our cable package in time for me to watch the newest season of "RuPaul's Drag Race." This season is the All Stars and I can't wait! Party at my house October 22nd for the season premier. I also love watching "1 girl 5 gays" (Jonathan S. and Juan are my favorites). Aren't they adorable?! Of course they are.



Happy Monday, littles! What are you obsessed with?

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