October 11, 2012

Exercising Epiphanies

Today was full of teaching tidbits. 

Huffing and puffing my way along the trail that follows the river, I saw the sign. (And it opened up my eyes. I saw the sign! Thank you, Ace of Base.) But really, I saw one. I'm glad I actually read what it said and it impressed me to the point of actually taking a picture of it. It said, "Stranded please help me get home, everything stolen just want to leave"

It made me curious, sad, grateful and curious again, all within 2 seconds. What was this person's story? Where was home? How did things get to this point? Did they get where they wanted to go? Then I realized that we're all like this sometimes. We forget our own story, get far away from home, forget how we got off track and feel like we'll never get back. Whatever the reason for this desperation, I hope this person found themselves where they wanted to be. Hopefully I can be nice enough to read other's signs and help them along their way.

Onward down the trail I went.

Off the trail and onto the sidewalk! I was rounding a corner when Skinny Jerk Girl ran past me while talking on her cell phone. Having a normal conversation. "What are you up to? Oh you know, I'm just out for a run, passing up some manatee with hairy legs thats taking up all the room on the sidewalk." See? Skinny Jerk Girl.That means either I need to step it up and get my butt in gear or this freak wasn't running hard enough. I'll take the latter. I took this as a sign from the universe that, running aside, sometimes I'm not always going to be good enough. I was certain that I was nearing a stroke or my lungs seizing up and Skinny Jerk Girl made me feel like a heifer. Whatever. I learned a long time ago that my best might not always be the best out there, but at least I'm trying. I also learned that I STILL hate running. Always have and I fear I always will. I only do it in hopes of eventually being able to cross off "Run in the Disney Princess Marathon" off my To-Do list. Whatever you're doing, do it for yourself. 

I finished up by walking home along the river and having Jónsi serenade me. Is there anything more relaxing? I think not. Well, maybe I could've been getting a piggyback ride while eating some Nutella. Anyway, I was reflecting on where I am right now in life.  Compared to most LDS girls, I'm behind in the game. I didn't get married until I was nearly 25, I have no children or any on the way and I haven't graduated college despite having graduated high school 8 years ago. Buzzkill. But then, a moment of clarity! The thought came to mind, "Ashlee, quit comparing yourself to everyone else. You haven't missed out on anything in life so far." And I haven't. Comparing done.


  1. "Comparison is the thief of joy."

    You are perfect and I love you just the way you are!!

    ps let's play soon

    pps you have a serious way with words!

  2. HI Ashlee,
    I just discovered your blog and I'm hooked. I am sitting at the table all alone laughing at your description of your job and the skinny girl. Keep writing!

    ps--i got married at 25, too!


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