January 6, 2014


I remember my sweet friend introducing me to the idea of a "one word" resolution a couple of years ago.  The idea is that rather than a list of things you'd like to accomplish or avoid, you can focus on one word. (This website can offer more insight. Although, I don't think you necessarily need to bring a deity of your choosing into most goal-making decisions, I totally agree with the concept of "one word".) 

So I've decided my word will be "less" this year. Last year was "quality", and I think I came closer to that goal than many other I set for myself. Many of my experiences last year have given me the chance to work towards becoming a better quality person, having quality relationships with people that matter and experiencing many things that have made me, what I feel, improve mentally, spiritually and physically.

Here's what I hope to accomplish by choosing "less":

Less time worrying- because things ALWAYS work themselves out. This one is huge for me. Worrying is almost my favorite thing to do. Not. My anxiety can't take it much longer.

Less time on my phone. This will be hard for me, I seem to use it for everything. even stupid stuff like sending inappropriate pins to my friends via Pinterest.

Less crap going into my body; sometimes I don't need to eat the entire pint of Ben & Jerry's. I now have someone else that depends on me being a healthy mama. 

Less crap coming out of my mouth. I need to realize that not everyone wants to hear my opinion or the occasional swear word coming out of my mouth.

Less time worrying about my pregnancy and post-baby body. I have NO torso, folks. I'm going to look like a Violet, from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, when she turned into a giant blueberry. I will also have stretch marks from hell. But I'm OK with that, I think. After reading this article, and reflecting on our journey to get this miracle baby, I need to calm the freak down. 

Less time doing things that I don't want to do. Being an adult means sometimes doing things you don't want to do, like paying bills, going to work, brushing your teeth, bathing semi-regularly... I am not referring to things like these. I'm talking about saying no to stuff that makes you unhappy. Like a crappy job you might have, a fair-weather friend, a bad relationship, a bad idea, negative body image, taking crap from other people, other's expectations, your own unrealistic expectations...etc, etc. 

Less excuses. If I don't want to do something, I hope to be brave enough to say so. If I don't want to exercise, I hope to get off my arse and do something good for my body. I have set a goal for myself to graduate college, and I'm going to do it! I'm over half-way done. No more excuses on this one. I'm 26, been out of high school for nearly NINE years. Time to get it in gear.

Less talking. I need to be a better listener. I'm always ready with a comment or insight, but often times, people just want someone to listen to them. I need to be more appreciative of other's taking the time (and trust) to share thoughts and feelings with me. Not everyone is so lucky.

Less negative, more positive.

What's your word?

Listen to this shiz while you decide on your word:

Just Breathe- Pearl Jam

Ends of the Earth- Lord Huron

Animal- Miike Snow (Mark Ronson remix)

The Ballad of Love and Hate- The Avett Brothers --> FANTASTIC song. (Favorite moment at 4:00-4:25)

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing this for the last 5 years. I NEVER fulfilled my "Resolutions" and constantly let myself down. Last year my word was "Balance"...This year it's "Gracious". For me, we live in a terribly ungracious world and I witness it every time I step on a plane. I've already felt better about 2014. Great post, as always��


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