April 14, 2014


Dear Lucee-

This week has been NUTS. The semester is winding down, which means lots of late nights, papers, projects and studying for tests that account for a ridiculous percentage of my grade. I'm looking forward to the semester ending so I can focus on getting things ready for you. Next month we are going home to Tennessee/Georgia for a visit and I can't wait! We are having a baby shower and I am excited for you to meet lots of people that love you as much as we do.

I've also been reading a lot about babywearing and HypnoBirthing and how I would like for you to come into this world. Some people thinks it's a weird method, and that's OK, but it feels like the best option for me and the peaceful and relaxed way I would like your birth to go. As I've been practicing the relaxation techniques, I take it as a good sign that I can't make it all the way through them without falling asleep. I'm very grateful that your daddy doesn't think I'm crazy and is supportive and encouraging of me and this HypnoBirthing process. He even asks me at night if I've practiced my techniques and/or yoga that day. I've been reminded almost daily how awesome being pregnant is and what a blessing it is. I try my best to enjoy the aches and kicks (and the gas that has turned me into a trucker), because I know that my body is doing something amazing and who knows when I'll be able to do this again. I also got an exercise ball a couple of days ago and it has been life-changing...even though it took me over an hour to blow it up. I also read this article about life before and after baby and it made me laugh, and cry and become very excited. I can't wait to see all that you will teach me and your daddy.

Time for more factoids!

#23- What is your favorite holiday and why?

One of my favorite Christmas movies. Ever. 

Christmas all the way. Or, what Christmas should ideally be about. Minus the commercialism. Christmas is always magical to me. Most people are nicer, more aware of others and a little bit more giving. I love what the holiday means to me. Some of the best movies are Christmas movies. And some of the best food, traditions (and sweaters) accompany Christmas. Your daddy and I know what we would like to teach you about Christmas, and what it should mean. Presents are a fun part of Christmas, but it should be about being aware of others and how you can help them. I hope you learn that the "Spirit of Christmas" can be felt and lived all year, not just during December.

#24- Whats your favorite and least favorite thing about pregnancy- (I changed this from "parenthood" to "pregnancy" since I'm not a parent yet. Obvs.)

Favorite thing- knowing that I have a purpose. It's always been important to me to be passionate about different things in life, but to know that I am helping bring a precious, perfect little to this earth is really special. I realize that many women crave this, and some never get to experience it, and I try to keep that in mind as I complain to myself about my hips hurting and having heartburn 24/7.  I feel very close to creation and its awesome. I also love being treated as a cautionary whale. Folks move out of the way and actually stop to let me get across the parking lot. "I am a sacred vessel, OK? All you have in your stomach is Taco Bell."

Least favorite thing- worrying. I worry all the time about everything. Not stressing, but worrying. I worry about not getting diabeetus, labor and delivery going well; I worry about you being healthy and happy. I worry about teaching you good things and not passing along insecurities and bad habits of mine. I worry and worry, and then I make lists of things to do and get done before you get here in order to help me worry less.

#25- If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
(This is impossible to decide; I'm sure my answers would be different if you asked me the same question next week. Or maybe even tomorrow.)

Dead- Nikola Tesla. This guy was pretty incredible. He invented some insane stuff, had research and ideas stolen from him, was smarter than Edison, died poor, but managed to change the world. I would want to eat his favorite food with him, whatever that was...and ask him how he was so passionate about sharing his inventions with the world, for free. 

Living- Paul McCartney. And we would have a delicious vegetarian meal from his "Meatfree Monday" cookbook, that he cooked for me. Can you imagine what it would be like to break bread with someone who helped to change everything about music? Even if you're not a Beatles' nut, you have to give them props for being an inspiration to countless people. I would also want his daughter, Stella, to be there and I would ask her if she could hook me up with some of her amazing perfume and clothes.  

#26- What popular notion do you think the world has wrong?

I think there are three things the world has wrong: what beauty is, what happiness is and what success is. To me, beauty is not about having a model-quality body, perfect skin, size 2 (or 0), etc etc. Beauty is loving yourself, baby girl. And meaning it. I don't love every stretch mark on my body, but I love what my body can do , will do and has been doing. Find someone who loves your inside and ugly parts and still makes you feel beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful to me than a woman who is smart, confident and comfortable with herself. Maybe a woman in love is as equally beautiful; that look on her face makes her light up from beneath and above and from the inside. Just know that your daddy and I will always think you're beautiful. 

Happiness doesn't mean your life will be free from hard things, we were made to endure hard things. Happiness is not living outside your means, buying crap you don't want to impress people you don't care about. Happiness is being around uplifting people, and lifting them in return. Happiness is a choice you make, and this eventually becomes a way of life. It is a manner in which you journey. Success is not about accumulating stuff, or sacrificing your morals to get further in life. Success is finding your passion & pursuing it, sharing your gifts with others, and not losing sleep over what the haters may think. Always learn and grow and be happy.

Until next time, baby girl.


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