April 22, 2014


Lucee girl,

This week has been cray-cray. The semester is winding down and we are in the middle of moving for the 2,349,872,374 time. (Basically, life is weird. And changes fast. And so do people. And situations). I can't wait to be done with school for the semester so we can focus on getting things ready for your arrival. There is a lot to do and many items that are waiting to be checked off of my many, many lists! We are also anxiously awaiting our journey home to the Promised Land of Chattanooga, in two weeks. Your daddy and I are afraid we will go home for our visit and never want to leave.

We had another Dr's appointment today! We took another tasty glucose test and had an ultrasound where we got to see your cute, naked body. You are already the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and by far the coolest thing I've had a part in. You were "spine up" so we couldn't get a good look at your face, but you had no problem showing us your crotch. The Dr wanted to make sure you were growing OK, because I was measuring a little big. Turns out you're "perfect". It never gets old seeing you on that screen. We can't wait to see you for reals. 

More stuff from my little project:

#27- What is your favorite part of your body and why?

My hands. When I was young, my Papa told me that I had "workin' hands", and I didn't like that for a long time. I wanted elegant, dainty hands. Not workin' hands. However, I've come to love them. They've helped me turn the pages of many books, write a lot of notes, letters and to-do lists, type countless letters to your daddy when he was a missionary, helped me to develop a love of cooking and gardening, play different instruments, move many boxes to many places, hold dear ones, carry bags and suitcases in foreign countries, hold your daddy's hand when things were good & when they weren't so good, and they've allowed me to feel you kick and wiggle while you've been in my belly. I look forward to the many things that my hands will show me I can do and what they will help me to learn.

#28- What is your favorite quality in your spouse?
My favorite quality in my spouse is his capacity to love. From the very beginning, his commitment to, and love for, me has been unfailing and sincere. It never mattered what anyone else thought about us, he only cared that I was the one to be his teammate. I also love that he is so giving. He is constantly giving things away to people that need them, whether that's a bicycle helmet to a frequent customer at the grocery store, clothes to a friend or family member, or seeing a homeless person and wanting to give them all of his money. Stuff doesn't matter to him, and I love that. It may sound silly, but I know that I mean more to him than stuff. Some people don't have that luxury.

#29- What are your hopes and dreams for your prosperity?
Just be happy. Whatever it is, or isn't, just make sure that it brings you joy. I don't care what you do for a living, where you live (even though I hope it will be semi-close to me), or who you're with, so long as they treat you right and you have more good things in your life than bad. I hope you have problems to solve, new things to learn, and challenges that will make you grow, rely on your loved ones, and ask lots of questions. I hope you get to travel to new places and meet lots of new and strange people; this will help you see that the world is MUCH bigger than you are, that there is beauty everywhere, we are all connected somehow, and that sometimes, people have it much worse than you do, so be grateful for what you have. Be happy, learn and grow.

#30- List 10 things you hope to be remembered for:
1- I hope I can be remembered as a good person, that my name means something good to people.
2- That I kept my word, and if I said I was going to do something, I did it.
3- That I always was striving towards something and kept working towards my goals (i.e. graduating college, getting out of debt, perfecting a recipe, or crossing more stuff off of my To-do list).
4- How I loved my husband and was as good a wife as I could be.
5- That I was a good mama to my babies and loved them, and taught them to be kind and work hard.
6- I want to be remembered as being an open-minded person, unless you gave me a reason to be otherwise...
7- I want to be thought of as a hard worker and that I worked for everything I had, that nothing was ever just given to me. I think that's a good legacy to have.
8- That my home was open to everyone and that you were always welcome in it.
9- I hope people remember me as a happy person. I know I'm not happy all of the time, but generally; that I tried to be positive and make the best of a crappy situation.
10- I want to be thought of as someone you could talk to. There is power in knowing that people can talk to you and trust you with their thoughts and feelings, without being judged for them.

And for the record, that was the last installment on my list of essentials for my babies to know about me. I'm sure they'll be endless things that pop up and will want to be shared, but for now, I can cross this project off!

The next time I hear your heartbeat, you will have traveled across the country and back, moved to a new place and finished your first college semester. You're already an over-achiever. Thanks for making sleep less! Seriously, I love that you wiggle so much. 


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