June 6, 2014


Tunes to put you in a Southern mindset (all of which I actually listen to...and like!):

Jambalaya (On the Bayou) - Hank Williams
Song Of The South - Alabama
Lookin' Out My Backdoor - Creedence Clearwater Revival (Also featured in one of my favorite movies, "The Big Lebowski")

Apparently I need writing projects in order to regularly write on the blog. I've been slacking off since the end  of April, (aka busy living life.) 

Well, praises be to the Great Spirit in the Sky for allowing Spouse and I to survive our first college semester together. We did well on our finals, and we didn't even threaten each other with divorce, not once during the semester. #success 

How I felt after finals.

The next week we journeyed home to the Promised Land and it was everything I hoped it wasn't: perfect. Our flights went well, the weather was amazing and our hearts were reminded how great it is to have a place to call "home". Especially one as pretty as the Chattanooga area. The air smells sweeter, the accents wash over you like a warm breeze, and the bugs plentiful. The only thing missing was Pongo. Poor guy had to stay in crusty Utah. We learned that Pongo has more fans than we do. We were constantly being asked, "Where's Pongo?" 

As a Mother's Day gift, Caleb landscaped the entire front yard for his mom, and it looked great. He was a bit of a perfectionist about his project, but it reminded me of how lucky I am to have a husband who loves to work with his hands and make things beautiful. 

We went out to dinner with my mom and her husband, and Spouse got the best, most appropriate fortune I've ever seen: 

The next day was our BaBy Q shower thing and it was awesome. We were slightly worried about the weather being nice, but a few hours before people starting showing up, the rain stopped and the weather cooperated beautifully. It could not have been a prettier night for an outside gathering. Lots of people showed up, ate, socialized and showed us and our cub lots of love. We are lucky to have so many great people share their love, time, BBQ-making talents with us. I think that's why it was so hard to come back to Logan- it was so nice to be showered with so much love that we haven't been around in so long. Utah has its moments, but it will never be home. (Thanks Linda, for sharing the photos you took!)

The peonies my mom brought made my heart melt.

Wishing Tree and swag table.

At the other end of this table was an obscene amount of BBQ pork. 

This was my third plate of food. 

Sunday marked the first Mother's Day I was actually excited about. Traditionally, I've hated this holiday for more than one reason. First, I don't like the idea of having ONE day a year to remember or celebrate anything or anyone, especially moms and motherhood. Second, I yearned to be a mother for so long, and with multiple fertility struggles and lots of waiting, I came to resent what the day taunted me with; I saw it as a reminder that another year passed and I wasn't a mother. But! I was fortunate enough to be reminded that being a mother doesn't always mean someone who has given birth. This humbled me right up and my heart was filled with gratitude for those women who are mothers to many, and I was reminded how lucky I am to experience pregnancy and motherhood. 

That afternoon we took a heavenly drive through Georgia's highway 193 to some friend's house for socializing and more eating. This family is fantastic, solid, large in number and loud- all good things. The house is the kind that you walk in to and immediately feel comfortable enough to go take a nap on the couch. That's the only way I can describe how welcoming and homey these folks and their abode are. The afternoon was spent talking and eating, two of the many things Southerners do so well. They also live next door to where Caleb grew up. The property is now for sale, and it would be the perfect place to have a little house where we could sit on a porch to watch our garden and babies grow. Maybe one day...

One of my favorite views from back home.

The only thing that made leaving easier was the Dr. appointment we had the day after we got home. We were told that Lucee and I did really well on our glucose test (considering previous health issues) and the results came back "normal", which means no more checking blood sugar, and no more worrying about delivering a 11 pound baby! I've always favored chunky babies, but that's scary-huge. I've also managed to cross off many things from my "Before Baby Gets Here" list. Important stuff like washing and organzing Lucee's clothes and assorted baby shiz, picking a pediatrician, assembling freezer meal recipes, making packing lists for our hospital bags and finishing my Hypnobirthing book. Spouse has been a freaking man this week and has assembled the crib, glider, the all-important oscillating fan for our room, as well as installing blackout curtains in our room. All of this after coming home from working two jobs. He is my favorite husband. 

It is weird and cool to have a crib in our room. It will be even weirder when there is an actual baby in it.

Other random pictures:
Rachael found me the BEST thrift store t-shirt, EVER. 

Hike time!

I farted in front of a customer at work.

Pongo got kicked out of our room in order to make space for Lucee's crib. I took it harder than he did.

Total pee-pants count: 3. Don't worry, I didn't cry after said incidences. I now have a new appreciation for toddlers who are learning how to potty train. I'm an adult, and apparently I still haven't gotten it down.

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