December 15, 2012


I'd have to say that Boyfriend's and my two favorite pastimes are the sport of People-Watching and a good ol' game of "Real or Fake?"  We got to do both on date night last week. Can you imagine?! We People-Watch EVERYWHERE. We went to a Jazz game, courtesy of Crazy 8 who let us use his season tickets. The section we were first sitting in was great, but as the game started, the row behind us filled up with 12 or so young boys, about 10 years old.  They started yelling A LOT. Leaning forward in their seats until they were right in our ears, they shouted for their favorite players, telling them to "shake it off" and that "it's alright" they missed that lay-up.  It was not alright. Even though I don't have children, I am generally not one of those people who is bothered by other's children.  But these kids? Instant eye twitching. One boy's friend saved him from total embarrassment when he said, "Dude! Shut UP! You're killing me!" (In my head, I finished the sentence with, "Smalls!") Shortly after, a saint came down the row and informed us that we were in the wrong section, and thus in his seats.  We were more than happy to move.

As you can see, our final seats were great. What you might not have noticed was the couple a few rows in front of us with matching spiked hairdos. How nice. I spotted them right as we took our seats. In between noticing all of the horrible "Utah poofs" and overly-gelled hair, we would laugh and laugh as we peeked over at our friend to see how those Junior Jazz kids were treating him.  He was hating life.  By the third  quarter our friend was nowhere to be found. 

Our second favorite pastime, "Real or Fake" was quite a delight.  I like to think that we are Gold-Medal-First-Place-Black-Belt-Grand-Master-Champions at it. With so many highly-manicured women running up and down the stairs, we took turns guessing the validity of their enhancements and/or embellishments.  You call it judgmental,  I call it observation.  Its more addictive than you might realize. You probably even find yourself doing it without noticing.  In line at the grocery store? You see that woman's ring that is a little too perfect and large, and you think, "there is no way. How can you have a real, massive ring like that and be using 4,531 coupons??" Maybe I'm just too good at people-watching. Or maybe I'm just evil.

Having been on the receiving end of such looks, for my cohorts Thelma & Louise, I have expertly learned how to make it less-obvious about what you're looking at.  You can borrow this technique any time you like: Person 1 points out the oddities and location of the perpetrator to Person 2. Person 1 looks the opposite direction while Person 2 casually looks in the direction of said perpetrator. When it is certain that the perp is unaware of being judged by strangers, Person 1 and 2 discuss the mullets, enhancements, clothing choices, etc.  Yes, I know I'm going to hell.

The next night we were needing some Jesus, so we went to see the Christmas lights at Temple Square. We met up with an old friend and her man and had lots of fun walking around, spending too much time catching up and not looking at the lights. As if it couldn't get more Christmas-y, it started to snow. And snow. And snow. It was totally seasonal and cute and even romantic. I had to kiss my man in the snow, surrounded with all these cute lights, and us bundled up in our coats.  We even waited for 30 minutes at Starbucks to get some delicious and over-priced Caramel Apple Spice and hot cocoas.

Other favorite pastimes of ours include, but are not limited to: speaking in movie quotes and song lyrics, anything that involves Tenacious D or The Beatles, midnight runs to the grocery store, reppin' it for James Divine (the band my brother is in,) cleaning, playing and watching most sports, traveling and road trips. We've gone to Florida and South Carolina, but next's week exodus back home for Christmas will the longest we've undertaken together. We are driving it straight which equals death. Wish us luck. 

OK, shout out to the best boyfriend/manfriend/husband I could ever ask for! I know I can be stubborn and a poophead, but he is perfect for me. I used to wonder what my life would be like if I had ended up with this or that person, but not anymore. (Not that that means I love Spouse any less, sometimes your brain just goes there.) We are closing in on the end of the year, and between the two of us we've been through: a Missionary homecoming, 6-week engagement, buying a new car, wedding, European Honeymoon, a cross-country move, starting new jobs, the death of a parent, another move, starting 2 other jobs, a cancer scare and fertility issues.  You guys, HE IS THE BEST. I could not even imagine going through any of this with anybody else.  He is my favorite noodle. 

For our 9 month anniversary, Boyfriend surprised me with these! 

Sunday dinner at G-Money's

Our first Christmas tree! Caleb was great and said "Let's go get you a Christmas tree" when I was bummed about not spending the money on one this year, since we won't even be here on Christmas.

I had girl time with my cousin and her nuggets at IKEA. They weren't as excited about the meatball combo as I was. And they gave me major Baby Fever.

James Divine serenading us.

Happy Festivus, friends! 


  1. I like that I'm on a first-name basis with your breasts.
    Also, YES. How have we not seen each other in the past decade?? I think we're going to visit Chatt at some point over the break- will you be there? If not, I would love to see you when I come back to Utah pre-MTC!

  2. Huzzah! We are going to be back there until the 30th, I think. I would seriously love to dine with you and catch up in real life if it fits into your schedule. If not, I will just kidnap you before you report to the MTC.

  3. Hey!! We'll be there the 28th- I won't really have a car, but we'll be chilling at the Vandehei's all day, I'm sure. If you already have plans that day, no big- but I would love to dine with you as well, if you are not busy!! Shoot me a text; my number is (423) 280-5205. [Still rocking the Chatt area code, which I so love.]


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