December 1, 2012

Thanks & Giving

Can we all agree that Black Friday is the biggest headache ever? I'm so glad it comes once a year. I feel like after Halloween, Thanksgiving is just a speed bump on the way to Christmas. I love me some Turkey Day and I wish people would calm down and take it one holiday at a time. That being said, lets hold hands and smile at one another as we recap what Ashlee is grateful for:

#1- SO HAPPY that I didn't have an emotional meltdown while shopping for our feast. Being the Type-A, OCD list-maker that I am, I had a tentative menu and shopping list prepared a week in advance. What I could not prepare for were the massive amounts of crazed women with children in their buggies that were willing to run you over in their quest for pecans and fruit cocktail with extra cherries. It was a good warm up for Black Friday shopping, though. I never anticipated having to go to two stores for a total of 3 times to get some freaking pecans. Never again will I wait until Wednesday night to food shop for T-day.

#2- Jubilant!!!! that I didn't stab anyone while I was cooking that feast for 10. I like to be in charge and in control. At no point did I start crying or yelling and that was fantastic. I started to get irritated with one of my "helpers" eating the bacon that I was putting on the mac & cheese (yes, it was delicious.) I had a mental flash of me stabbing their hand then calmly wiping the knife off on my polka dot apron and carrying on with my preparations. BUT! I smiled and said that I didn't need anymore "help." 

#3- These guys! Although we missed our other family members that weren't around, it was great to come together and stuff our faces.

#4- Ashley's table-setting skillzz. I am totally helpless in this department and I'm glad she is not. Isn't that a lovely holiday scene? Complete with candles for ambiance and fancy glasses to drink our not-so-fancy Cokes out of. Martha Freakin' Stewart!


#5- That we went around the table and said what we were thankful for. Perhaps, in our hearts, we are all grateful for many things on most days, but it is a little more tender to hear your family members vocalize their blessings. My favorite? One person saying that they were grateful that they don't wake up sad anymore, because so many people wake up and are unhappy. The sincerity made my heart swell.  

#6- That the boys cleaned up. Cooking is work, son.

#7- After a trip to the movie theatre and starting our shopping at 10 p.m., I'm eternally grateful to the shopping gods that I won't ever deal with the midnight mall crowd ever again. Saying it was insanity is putting it lightly. There were lines outside of the stores for crowd control. Seriously?! There is no way on this green earth that I would wait in line outside of Aeropostale for $12  sweats, mostly because I'm not 13 years-old, nor would I wait outside of Victoria's Secret for an hour to partake in their "Buy one get one 1/2 off" bra sale. And that's saying something. My lub that place but you have to draw the personal line somewhere. Also, spending an obscene amount of money earlier that night at the Banana Republic outlet made my appetite for apparel less severe. Might I add, I didn't even swear at the other shoppers, no matter how ignorant they were acting.

The good folks at South Towne mall thought providing a live band would lighten  the shopping mood. It did not.

#8- I realize I'm not the hottest thing out there, but I get a sick pleasure out of looking at pictures of Kim Kardashian crying. It seriously warms my heart. Watching her ugly, crumpled-up face makes me so happy I sometimes even hug myself out of glee. You know VH1's catch phrase, "watch & discuss"? Well I implore you, watch in disgust...or delight:

A personal favorite.

I realize she isn't crying in this, but sans-makeup is pretty awesome, too.

Now it's December and in 3 short weeks I'll be back in good ol' Chattanooga to celebrate Christmas. Happy holiday seasonals, dear ones. 

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