January 1, 2013

country roads, take me home.

I learned on this trip that I am A LOT more anxious about going over the Rockies than I used to be.  Especially when it snows.  And its at night.  And what is it about car rides that make you the greasiest-haired troll ever? I swear I bathe regularly, but once I hit Missouri, I look like a native of East Ridge. Maybe that's what happens after driving straight for 26 hours?

For those of you lucky ones who haven't experienced the pleasure of a cross-country drive, you might not know that Colorado is not a state made entirely out of mountains.  With the exception of an area west of Denver, that place is as flat as Kansas.  I agree with Harry and Lloyd that I expected the Rocky mountains to be a little bit rockier than this... That John Denver was full of [crap] man.  I've driven that road too many times, and without fail I want to go "to some place warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talkin' about a little place called Aspen." Sorry. I've seen that movie too many times. If you ever get the chance, visit Breckenridge. One of the most majestic and serenely beautiful places I've been.

His chosen method of blocking out the sun...with my Snuggie. Yes, I own one.

He even poses in his sleep. And my hoodie (that was his pillow) is now wrapped around his neck.

I love seeing this sign because it means that I'm almost home.
What I love most about being home, is not doing anything. There is no such thing as an alarm clock or work out routine.  Just slap on some elastic-waist pants and you're good to go.  I even broke my personal rule of not wearing leggings as pants this holiday season.  It jived better with my plans to eat and drink copious amounts of Canada Dry and Christmas candies, and therefor cancelling out my month's worth of work that I had previously put in at the gym. No matter.  There was a Harry Potter movie marathon on the ABC Family channel that was calling my name.

She sleeps like a human. And she think she's a lap dog.  Too bad she weighs nearly 80 pounds. 

Before the black lung found me at the end of our visit, boyfriend and I were able to do a little bit of visiting and catch a couple of movies.  Les Mis was off the hezzie.  Jack Reacher? Not so much. Hugh Jackman almost made me forget that he was Wolverine with his portrayal of Hugo's protagonist Jean Valjean. Nothing says "you life isn't all that bad" quite like watching a film about the awfully depressing lives of 19th century French citizens. I cried half a tear at the end of the movie. It was that good.

Sorry friends that I didn't get to visit. I had reserved Friday and Saturday for visits, but after I found myself in bed with Barking Death Cough, I thought I would spare you all of the black plague.  I missed out on holding some little nuggets and I was pretty butthurt about that. There are few things I enjoy more than holding a little one, but I didn't want to risk contaminating them with my cooties.

Driving back to my mom's from Chickamauga, cruising down a country road, I told Caleb how happy I was to be home and know where home was.  I realize that not everyone has a place like that; some place they know they belong and are supposed to come back to. Some people search their whole lives to find a place that makes them feel like that. And if I didn't already appreciate it as the Promised Land that it is, let me say again how much it put me at ease crossing that state line into Tennessee. In addition to holding little babies and smelling that clean baby smell, I SO love the melodious sound that is a Southern accent.  I used to resent it and even got made fun of for having one when I was younger.  Hearing it this time from a gas station attendant almost made my heart burst.  Hearing a fellow native say "y'all" washed over me like warm breeze. So nice.

Daisy is known for her medicinal qualities. She is great at snuggling the sick. (I'm sure I could submit this photo to Ghost Adventures and they'd tell me that those light spots and dust particles are an ectoplasm or something. Those guys are weird.)

After a delightful time eating, talking and enjoying the company of family (and the honorary family member Daisy) we had to embark on our exodus west.  Pretty sure the way back from anywhere takes 7 times longer.  Kansas is a flat, barren hell and I hate it. If it weren't for the occasional rest area and truck stop, that place would be a waste of space.  I have a theory that Kansas is only 60 miles across, but due to the partial coma you enter when crossing the state line, combined with a lag in the Space-Time continuum, it feels like 500.

When ma started to feel sick, Daisy faithfully fulfilled her duties as nurse.

Krystal: slimy, yet satisfying. Sometimes. And only if I already have diarrhea.

The car was a crusty-crust when we got home, so we got to go through the tri-colored car wash! My favorite!!!

After an eternity in the car, we got home in time to celebrate our first New Year's together, after being together for 5 years.  It was chill and lovely and we didn't drive far at all to celebrate with a friend.  And I got to finally kiss my man at midnight after cracking open a bottle of some sparkling cider.  A perfect New Year's indeed.  Next New Year's we're aiming for Time Square, so holler if you want to join in on the fun!

Hope your Festivus was a peaceful and joyous one, homies.

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