February 26, 2013

I don't even know what to call this

So Boyfriend and I are an extremely boring couple. Most times. Our routines are generally the same every week... so here is some boring stuff that has happened recently/semi-recently that I know you're dying to learn of.

BF found this rad icicle. He looks like a mighty warrior. Yes, that's our Christmas tree in the background. It didn't come down until Valentine's-ish. 

We found our future fur baby. SO. CUTE. If you know where we can find a real live one to substitute my hunger for children, please let us know. And we've already picked out a boy name and girl name, just so we're ready for da squishy-love.

For Balentimes Day I built a sweet fort to watch a movie in. My Preggle pillow wouldn't fit well in here.

....he knows my mega pet peeve with people not knowing the difference between "you're" and "your" and did this on purpose. But he's still my most favorite Balentime.

We went skating with JJ and Candice. We are cool and old. I was getting lapped by lots of little kids and tight-bodied tweens. (JJ is roaring like a lion. Sorry bro, I had to post it.)

I was playing with my double chin. And Caleb's beard is getting hawt. 

We subbed in Nursery. We had a casualty. We also laughed and took pictures and then we moved him into the corner to sleep some more.

At Crazy 8's the boys played some hard core Texas Hold 'em with almonds (that they put back in the bag.)

It snowed. For the 67 gajillionth time.

We found "The World's Biggest Word Search" at the mall. I found "Bruce Wayne" and Spouse found "Peter Parker". I think my find was far superior. Caleb is looking at the Key, not the actual puzzle. 

I found this and laughed and laughed and laughed. Mostly because its super relate-able at the Crook casa. (Side note: I had 80's Pandora station on and "Eye of the Tiger" came on while I was doing my duty. It was really motivational. For reals.)

Last, but sure as heck not least, Happy Birthday, Michael Bolton. Your luscious locks of a lion's mane will forever wave majestically in my mind. I vow to never forget when I saw you and Celine Dion in concert when I was 7. Best. Concert. Ever. (And I forgive you for that teeny tiny mistake you made of not remembering the words to the national anthem.)

Here's some of my favorites from this silky-voiced singing machine:

Jack Sparrow

Said I Loved You... But I Lied

How Can We Be Lovers

How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

Time, Love and Tenderness

Go The Distance (Yes, from Hercules)

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