February 20, 2013


Amongst the many lists I have stashed away, is a list of my favorite words. Not necessarily because of their definitions, but the way they sound when properly enunciation; the shape my mouth makes when I say them. 

In no particular order, the top 5:

1. to lose vigor, health or flesh (as through grief) : languish
2. to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable

(Kate Walsh illustrates this definition perfectly at 1:08-1:14. Le sigh.)

1. a food paste made usually with egg and shaped typically in ribbon form
2. a term of endearment, used by Caleb and Ashlee, in substitution for "babe" or "honey"

1. full of excessive talk : wordy
2. given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous

(Michael Fassbender saying this word is divine - 1:47-1:53)

1. a dearly loved person
2. favorite

(It sounds much, much better if you hear come from the mouth of a Brit/Scot...swoon.)

1. to decrease in size, extent, or degree : dwindle, as:
     a. to diminish in phase or intensity - used chiefly of the moon, other satellites, and inferior planets
     b. to become less brilliant or powerful : dim
     c. to flow out : ebb
2. to fall gradually from power, prosperity, or influence

(Bon Iver sings beautifully of when "the moon waned a crescent; we started to kiss" in Blood Bank. Prolly my fave song of his.)

1. to long or hope for : exhibit or feel desire for
2. a. to express a wish for : request
    b. archaic : to express a wish to : ask
3. obsolete : invite
4. archaic : to feel the loss of    

(No matter your opinions on John Mayer, the monologue he gives before this performance of Edge of Desire is brilliant and truly poetic. Love. It.)

While I'm waxing philosophical....I'm totally diggin' The Vaccines lately.  Especially their song  Wetsuit and Under Your Thumb

Expand your vocabulary, friends.  


  1. I adore Blood Bank. And also, lists in general. I'm just really happy you have a blog.

  2. Uhh....I'm just glad someone reads it! You're so good for my self-esteem, Laurence.


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