March 5, 2013

A Year Later

Soooo.....I'm really bad at comparing myself to...everything. Mostly the stages of life that I'm in, compared with another's. This is an awful habit and I wish I could break it. Call it "The Curse of Being  A Type-A, OCD, Control Freak." I frequently compare what I'm doing now, to what I was doing this time last year. So what was I doing? I got married, fools. And on this exact day last year, I was on a very long plane-flight to the magical city of London. Before that, there was a blur of dress-wearing, picture-posing and stressing the freak out. 

You guys, getting married/being married is awesome. But I was a hot mess emotionally. Lots of stress, drama and doubt come walking right in the door and started helping themselves to my favorite Donald Duck orange juice I had stashed in the back of my fridge. Jerks. I remember sitting there, right before our ceremony and had the thought go through my head, "RUUUNNNNNN!" Sounds awful, I know, but those of you who are married, can relate, and those of you who aren't will later know what I'm talking about.  Unless you're not honest with yourself. I feel confident in saying that you will be overwhelmed at the idea of committing yourself, in front of God and others, to another forever. I am only beginning to realize everything that truly entails. I voluntarily gave up my single life, and a host of other selfish things, for the companionship of another who promised me the same. Among many other things, I promised my beloved that I would love him fiercely and sweetly, to share the remote as well as his last name, and give my expert opinion on Express ties. He agreed to pray daily with me, to never stop dating me and (try) to never argue in our home. We are still working hard in most all of these areas. 

Picture time. Forgive me if you've already creeped these albums on Facecrack.

Being engaged for 6 weeks is awesome. I could not imagine being engaged for 6 months. Especially after being together for 4 years. Good thing I had our wedding planned a year in advance.

Caleb's first time seeing me in my dress.

Group shot. (Can I just say how awesome it felt to be surrounded- literally- by so much love and support?)

Still one of my all-time favorites.

Vicki is kissing baby behemoth Iris.

As we finished taking pictures, this girl came up to me to tell me I looked like a princess. Best. Compliment. Ever.

Then it was Honeymoon time.

London and jet lag....







and Paris.

Then we got home, and it's been a roller-coaster ever since of moving, jobs, setbacks, trials, laughter, tears and growth. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us...we're hoping for a little one, but it'll probably be a little fur baby. Either way we are ready to have our capacity stretched, faith tested and hearts filled.  Life is much more enjoyable with another, especially when its with a friend that you get to have sleepovers with.'s how we celebrated our One Year Anniverary (or our 75th Anniversary, in Kim Kardashian years)

Our room was the Venice Suite. The bed WAS A GONDOLA!

The next day we met up with my cousins at a fun center to play awesome games and bowl.This is my Guitar Hero, Caleb.

A serious game of pool between the boys...I opted for Skeeball. 

and us making hot faces while waiting our turn to bowl (I'll spare you the picture I took of Boyfriend's booty meat.) 

Nice photobomb, cuz. 

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