July 2, 2013


HERE is a song to listen to, while you creep on my life. It. Is. Legit. (See how smart I was, with finding a song title that matches this post title??)

So! Spouse and I went to a Tim McGraw concert with some friends. He's still got it, in my opinion. Dude is ripped. SO glad he quit drinking, it looks much better on him. He played all of the old stand-by's you'd expect to hear and even flashed his abs at us- swoon!, but was still humble enough to allow himself to be silenced for minute.  Maybe not a whole minute, but after one song he did just sit there, with his legs dangling off the stage and looked around smiling. I like to think he is still moved by it all; the fans, the cheering and singing along, the overly priced concessions and merchandise. There is something to mob mentality that I'd forgotten about: eventually everyone gives in.  At first you're standing there, quietly enjoying yourself, but a couple of songs in to the concert and you're singing and flailing around with the rest of the drunks and skanks in booty shorts and cowboy boots. (By the way, since when did this become acceptable country concert attire??? Or acceptable in general? I don't want to see your cheeks hanging out. It was all I could do to keep my food down at the sight of all that and the Utah Poofs out on display.) At one point I caught myself looking around at the massive crowd, all singing along and waving their jazz hands in the air and thought, "Yes, Timothy, this is gonna to be one of those nights." (THIS song made me extremely homesick in the best way possible.) I need to go to more concerts, if only for the people-watching. That's almost worth the price of admission itself. For instance: the man wearing Cookie Monster pajama pants and a floppy camouflaged hat. Or the older man that was vigorously making out with, what appeared to me a teenager.  Butt grabbing and all. Aren't you jealous?

This was the largest poof I've seen to date. 

We are cool. 

Oh, Tim. Your bod.

Then the party was over and I went to Girl's Camp the following week. I was extremely nervous.  Srsly.  I've been many times growing up and even as a young adult leader, but never before as the camp director for my ward.  Holy moly. Totally crazy. Great, but crazy.  The girls were fantastic and the scenery was beautiful. And I felt mega out of shape being up there at 10,000 ft elevation. If I had to grade myself,  if I had been a pioneer, I feel I would've made it to....the Illinois state line before I died. I prefer the cold, I'm a Jedi at building fires, I don't mind going 5 days without a shower (as long as I have clean underclothes to change in to) and if I'm exhausted and hungry enough, I will eat anything and fall asleep anywhere.

Welp, here are some pictures (p.s. I didn't realize until after camp that some how the black & white thingy got switched on.):

Some kind of team-building activity that I wasn't participating in.

Another team-building activity that I was too fat to try.

I have an odd obsession with ugly wood.

Talitha was very excited for water time.

On our "hike"

After the hike/walk we soaked our feet in a kiddie pool and did pedicures.

Talitha's mom did an awesome job painting ALL of Talitha's nails.

She was showing off her headband.

We painted some flower pots for the hospital to put in patient's rooms. Mine is the Mickey Mouse masterpiece. Of course.

Then there were games...

Some ninja game I didn't understand??

Abby and Sage were awesome with helping Talitha sing and play the uke.  Don't mind those ridic sailor hats, they only made sense at camp.

See? Nobody was crying or bleeding! I feel that qualifies as a success.

And here are some songs that I've had on repeat, as of late:

Bronze Radio Return - Shake, Shake, Shake

Megan Wyler & Adem Ilhan - Walk the Line

The Avett Brothers - The Ballad of Love and Hate

The Vaccines - Wetsuit

Jessie Ware - Wildest Moments

Rachel Fannan - Beautiful Dreamer

Now, who's ready for eating some grilled goodies and blowin' shiz up? I am! 'Murica!

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