August 27, 2013

By The Numbers

16: Total number of driving hours, from Logan, UT to Las Vegas, NV.

10: Number of miles we walked up and down the Strip.

1: Giant blister on the bottom of T's foot that made those walking miles hellacious.

30: Minutes we had to get ready after check in, before we needed to run out of the door to get to the Caesar's Palace for CELINE!!

120: Minutes of bliss that were the overwhelming spectacle of Celine Dion's vocal stylings.

4: times I teared up while she was performing. Go ahead, laugh it up. But, you guys, she sang "Beauty and the Beast"!!!!!!!!!!!! It made my 6 year-old heart swell and burst.

33: The approximate number of times that "I can't..." came out of my mouth during the concert. You need to understand that my cousin and I have loved this woman and her voice for an embarrassing amount of time. I first saw this woman on the music video for Beauty & The Beast (a personal favorite Disney movie of mine),  and later as an opening act at a Michael Bolton concert. All of these things are a perfect storm of obsession for this woman. Maybe not obsession, more like intense appreciation.

8: plates of food that we put away at the buffet. Lots of yummy skrimps and desserts.

Too many: butt cheeks hanging OUT of shorts and cellulite that accompanied said cheeks.

ZERO: The number of drag queens I saw in real life. I'm pretty sad about this. We saw a billboard advertising for a Drag show, but we didn't go.  Next time, girls! Next time.

3: guys that were across the aisle from us during the concert...straight men...who were all excited as the rest of us to be there. One in particular, was heavily intoxicated and gave numerous standing ovations and fist pumps. I'm glad we were close enough to enjoy some of their excitement, but far enough away that I didn't have three men shouting right behind me.

"Post-Celine Shock Syndrome"

Typical Vegas shot. 

Despite it being on the far end of the Strip, our hotel had some redeeming qualities.

See you real soon, Babylon!

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